Non Profit Organizations

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Dr. Bonaparte is a remarkable individual, a true asset to the Kingdom of God. Blessed with numerous divine visions, she is dedicated to sharing the Gospel and uplifting humanity. As the President and Founder of 7 nonprofit organizations, her work transcends boundaries, offering support and guidance to individuals from all walks of life.

Shekinah Glory International Outreach:

Shekinah Glory International Outreach is a remarkable organization dedicated to humanitarian aid and crisis relief on a global scale. The name itself evokes the divine presence and the concept of the Glory Cloud from the Bible, symbolizing a guiding light in times of need.

Comprised of volunteers spanning all Seven Continents, this diverse team of professionals including physicians, nurses, social workers, therapists, dieticians, teachers, attorneys, and clergy, exemplifies a harmonious collaboration aimed at providing comprehensive support to those in distress.

The organization’s multifaceted approach encompasses the distribution of essential resources such as clothing, food, clean water, and shelter, ensuring that basic human needs are met. Moreover, the provision of medical care ranging from medications and vaccinations to specialized procedures and surgeries, reflects a commitment to holistic well-being and healing.

Beyond physical aid, Shekinah Glory International Outreach recognizes the importance of education and empowerment, offering literacy programs in English for adolescents and adults, alongside the distribution of Bibles and tools for personal development. The establishment of Bible schools and churches further underscores their dedication to spiritual nourishment and community building.

Notably, the organization’s specialized Aids/HIV care unit demonstrates a targeted response to critical health challenges, showcasing a nuanced understanding of local needs and a proactive approach to public health crises.

In essence, Shekinah Glory International Outreach embodies a beacon of hope and compassion, uniting individuals across borders in a shared mission to alleviate suffering, foster resilience, and promote holistic well-being for all those in need.

Reverend Sister Connection:

The Global Organization for Women in Ministry Leadership, known as the Reverend Sister Connection, provides a vital network of support and empowerment for women serving as Senior Pastors, Bishops, and Apostles. As “Shepherdesses of the House of God,” these women face unique challenges and responsibilities that can often lead to feelings of loneliness and misunderstanding. By coming together in this organization, these Reverend Sisters find solace, unity, and spiritual nourishment among their peers.

The Reverend Sister Connection offers a safe space for women in ministry to share their joys and struggles, seek guidance, and foster genuine connections with like-minded individuals. Through mentorship programs and open discussions, members can address pertinent issues that are often overlooked or taboo within traditional church settings. The organization also places a strong emphasis on financial empowerment, recognizing the importance of self-sufficiency and stability in both personal and professional lives.


In addition to providing emotional and spiritual support, the Reverend Sister Connection organizes various events throughout the year, including women’s retreats and galas dedicated to important causes. By offering scholarships for seminary education, the organization actively promotes the academic and spiritual growth of its members, empowering them to advance their careers in ministry.

Overall, the Reverend Sister Connection serves as a beacon of strength, unity, and inspiration for women in leadership roles within the ministry. Through fellowship, mentorship, and advocacy, this organization enriches the lives of its members and fosters a deeper spiritual connection with the Lord.

My Sisters Keeper:

An organization dedicated to empowering and supporting girls and women from various backgrounds. The organization’s holistic approach addresses a wide range of issues such as career development, spirituality, relationships, finances, and health. The presence of team leaders for different age groups ensures tailored support and guidance. Additionally, specialized units and support groups cater to specific needs like domestic violence, pregnant teens, and peer pressure.

The organization’s emphasis on celebrating milestones and providing practical support during challenging times reflects a strong sense of community and sisterhood among its members. The inclusion of events like tea parties, luncheons, and etiquette classes not only fosters social connections but also promotes personal growth and development.

Furthermore, the mentorship programs and involvement of accomplished individuals from diverse fields like clergy, law, medicine, media, and business offer valuable guidance and inspiration to the members. By including women from all walks of life, including single mothers, widows, and divorcees, the organization ensures a supportive and inclusive environment for all.

The commitment to being each other’s keeper underscores the organization’s core values of solidarity, support, and empowerment among women. The annual fundraisers held globally demonstrate a commitment to making a positive impact on a larger scale. Overall, the organization embodies a powerful vision of sisterhood, support, and empowerment for women of all backgrounds and circumstances.

Boys 2 Men:

This organization is dedicated to empowering and uplifting young men of minority backgrounds, specifically those of Black descent including African American, Caribbean, Native American, and Hispanic/Latino heritage. Through specialized classes and mentorship programs, the organization aims to cultivate qualities of responsibility, leadership, and integrity in these individuals, guiding them on the path to becoming exemplary men in their communities.

By addressing crucial topics such as employment skills, family dynamics, and interpersonal relationships, the organization equips its members with the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of adulthood successfully. Furthermore, by delving into issues of economic disparity, racial discrimination, and the unique challenges faced by minorities in society, the organization fosters a sense of awareness and resilience among its participants.


Through initiatives like the gang and drug unit, the organization endeavors to foster unity and promote peace within minority communities, striving to combat violence and create a safer environment for all residents. The mentorship programs and big brother initiatives provide essential support and guidance, offering positive role models and a sense of brotherhood to those in need.

Ultimately, this organization plays a crucial role in nurturing the next generation of minority leaders, instilling values of respect, responsibility, and community engagement in young men of diverse backgrounds. Through their holistic approach to personal and social development, they are making a significant impact in empowering individuals to overcome challenges and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Urban Ministries Of America:

This Christian-based ministry is dedicated to empowering the youth of America, especially those in underserved communities, by offering a wide range of recreational activities and educational opportunities. Through a holistic approach that combines sports, arts, and community support, the organization endeavors to create a positive and nurturing environment for young individuals.

By providing outlets such as soccer, baseball, basketball, and a variety of other sports activities, the ministry aims to engage youth in constructive and healthy pastimes, keeping them away from negative influences and promoting physical well-being. Additionally, through programs in the arts including poetry, music, theater, and dance, participants are encouraged to explore their creativity and express themselves in meaningful ways.

Education plays a central role in the organization’s mission, with initiatives designed to support young people in their academic pursuits. From assisting with GED preparation to facilitating college admission and job placement, the ministry is committed to helping youth achieve their educational and career goals. Field trips to museums and cultural exhibits further enrich the learning experience, broadening perspectives and fostering a deeper understanding of the world around them.

In addition to these activities, the ministry extends its support to meet the basic needs of the youth it serves. Pantries stocked with food, clothing assistance, and help with obtaining benefits like HRA are provided to ensure that individuals have access to essential resources. Through a comprehensive approach that addresses physical, emotional, and educational needs, this organization strives to make a positive impact on the lives of young people and empower them to reach their full potential.

Revered Dr. BG Crawley Scholarship Fund :

The Reverend Dr. BG Crawley Scholarship Fund stands as a tribute to the exceptional legacy of the late Reverend Dr. (Bishop) BG Crawley, a man whose life story is as remarkable as his contributions to society. Born to a royal lineage, his father, a king from the Oyo Kingdom of Nigeria, faced unimaginable adversities, including being kidnapped and sold into slavery in the United States. Despite such hardship, the family’s narrative transformed into one of triumph and resilience, culminating in a union with a full-blooded Mohawk Native American Princess.

This union blossomed in the post-emancipation era in the small town of Chase City, North Virginia, where they raised seven children who not only followed in their father’s pastoral footsteps but also excelled in professions including medicine, academia, and law.

Among these children, Briscoe Gilbert Crawley emerged as a distinguished figure. Reverend BG Crawley’s dedication to his faith led him to establish the Little Zion Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York, where he shepherded his congregation for over four decades since its inception in 1932. His ecclesiastical influence extended beyond Little Zion, as he was instrumental in planting churches across North America and beyond.

Reverend Crawley’s intellectual prowess earned him the reputation of a ‘Walking Encyclopedia.’ His profound knowledge and oratory skills enabled him to mentor several world-renowned preachers, such as the late Dr. William (Bill) Augustus Jones and Dr. Gardner Calvin Taylor, enhancing his status as a pillar of the Gospel community.

His passion for justice and equality propelled him into the legal field, where his dynamic presence in the courtroom as an Electrifying Lawyer led to a distinguished career as a revered judge within the New York Court system. His counsel was so highly valued that city mayors would seek his guidance or approval before proceeding with significant decisions.

As a keynote speaker, Reverend Crawley commanded respect and admiration, captivating audiences worldwide with his authoritative use of language and compelling stage presence.

In honor of his multifaceted legacy, the Reverend Dr. BG Crawley Scholarship Fund was established to provide yearly scholarships to individuals pursuing studies in Law, Education, and Ministry, reflecting the broad spectrum of his life’s work. The organization not only offers financial assistance but also fosters a mentoring network, pairing mentees with accomplished professionals from diverse fields such as clergy, judiciary, law, academia, and politics.

The board members, each a beacon in their respective sectors, uphold the organization’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders and advocates. Moreover, the fund actively engages in community outreach through annual galas focused on Cancer Awareness and symposiums and training courses designed to empower those in the ministry.

The Reverend Dr. BG Crawley Scholarship Fund thus perpetuates the indelible mark left by a man whose life was a testament to the power of faith, intellect, and service, ensuring that his spirit of mentorship and excellence endures for generations to come

Mother Amanda Williams Memorial Foundation:

The Mother Amanda Williams Memorial Foundation stands as a resplendent tribute to the enduring legacy of the late Reverend Mother Amanda Williams, a luminous beacon of entrepreneurial success, spiritual guidance, and philanthropic generosity. Born into the modest beginnings of Oglethorpe, Georgia, Reverend Mother Williams transcended her circumstances and ventured to New York City in pursuit of the American dream. With remarkable foresight and tenacity, she inaugurated her entrepreneurial journey in the bustling Williamsburg Section of Brooklyn, where her first fruit and vegetable store on Broadway, established in 1930, laid the groundwork for what would become an expansive business empire.

By the 1940s, Mother Williams’ portfolio burgeoned with a collection of various stores, properties, and land across New York and New Jersey. Her acumen and strategic endeavors propelled her to multimillionaire status, a feat that resonated profoundly within the business community. Her business acuity and vision evolved over time, culminating in a conglomerate of 250 businesses that span the globe, touching every continent with their diverse range of services.

Despite her immense wealth, Reverend Mother Williams remained the epitome of humility. Her life was a testament to living “in the overflow,” and her success became a source of inspiration for prosperity preachers like the late Reverend Ike. Her influence was far-reaching, nurturing the spiritual gifts of many, including the great Kathryn Kuhlman, Bishop Iona Locke, and Dr. Gertrude Stacks, who all recognized and revered the potent anointing in her mentorship.

Reverend Mother Williams’ ministry extended beyond her business ventures. She was a revered Anointed Woman of God, known for her prophetic insights and healing ministry. Her fervent prayer life birthed a community prayer band within her home, and she was a tireless Prayer Warrior. Her commitment to the Christian faith led her to plant churches worldwide and host a yearly weekend prayer conference, attracting the nation’s most esteemed preachers and singers.

Her culinary expertise was yet another facet of her multifaceted persona. Renowned for her exceptional home-cooked meals, her kitchen welcomed celebrities and community members alike, all drawn to the warmth and excellence of her hospitality.

The Mother Amanda Williams Memorial Foundation embodies her life’s mission, championing the cause of the less fortunate. The foundation’s initiatives include providing shelter, food, and clothing; offering moral, financial, emotional, and spiritual support; and organizing a yearly gala to benefit research and support for Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Alzheimer’s.

In alignment with her varied interests and talents, the foundation also bestows scholarships upon students pursuing careers in culinary arts, business administration, health professions, seminary, and fashion design.

The foundation ensures that Mother Williams’ philanthropic spirit endures, keeping her memory alive through acts of kindness and support. Her mansion in Westchester County, New York, a symbol of her success, stands in stark contrast to her decision to remain rooted and engaged in the Williamsburg community she cherished.

In honoring her Christian faith and her life’s work, the Mother Amanda Williams Memorial Foundation perpetuates the essence of an extraordinary woman whose legacy transcends time—a legacy of love, service, and unyielding faith.